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“What is an Innovative Learning Environment?” 25 OECD ILE project collaborators share their thoughts

Collection of all the interviews with the speakers at the “Barcelona International Conference on Learning Leadership” (December 2013) about what
is an Innovative Learning Environment in different countries and situations. http://learningleadershipconference.cat/en/projecte-ile/ The OECD Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) project analyses how young people learn. It studies which conditions and dynamics allow them to be able to learn better. By identifying concrete cases of innovative learning environments from all over the world, ILE aims to inform practice, leadership and reform through generating analysis of innovative and inspiring configurations of learning for children and young people. The distinctive contribution of the ILE project is to analyse, with numerous international examples, innovative ways of organising learning at the micro level (learning environment) and how this connects to the meso level (networks and communities of practice) and strategies to implement learning change at the macro, system level. For further information: OECD report on Leadership for 21st Century Learning This book clarifies the concepts and the dimensions of “learning leadership”, relating it to extensive international research and identifying promising strategies to promote it: http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/leadership-for-21st-century-learning_9789264205406-en#page1 Barcelona International Conference on Learning Leadership (December 2013) http://learningleadershipconference.cat/