📁 Veure tots

Senmuth & Naakhum – Velesova šuma

Veles was the Slavic god of earth and the underworld. He was the protector of the animals as well as
the forests, and he is also associated with the cattle, the harvest, wealth, music, the dragons, magic, and trickery. Believed to be related to the Indo-European deity of Mitra as well as the Norse deity Loki. According to some researchers he is the opponent of the supreme thunder god Perun. Velesova šuma is the track nº4 of the album Ancestral Serbia You can download for free the digital album or the songs here: From Naakhum’s Bandcamp page: https://naakhum.bandcamp.com/album/ancestral-serbia From Senmuth’s site: http://www.senmuth.com/205.html Follow Naakhum on Bandcamp: https://naakhum.bandcamp.com on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rebirthofnaakhum on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/naakhum on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/0goofvOd4ILlDxaAFYeiPT Senmuth: https://www.senmuth.com https://www.facebook.com/Senmuth