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Entornos innovadores de aprendizaje (ILE OECD), Mariana Martínez-Salgado, VOcast

Que es el proyecto ILE de la OCDE? Un análisis de 120 casos de diferentes países de entornos innovadores que
estan cambiando los resultados del aprendizaje. Mariana Martínez-Salgado (OECD). Member of OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) and has been working in the ILE project since Dec. 2009. As project coordinator, she manages the ILE network of more than 30 systems; she has also led the collection and selection of over 125 innovative cases around the world and has co-authored the OECD 2013 Innovative Learning Environments report analysing these cases. She currently leads the relations with Hispanic systems involved in educational innovation. In addition, Mariana looks for new opportunities to disseminate ILE material and make analysis widely accessible through different channels (web, video, publications, tools). She holds a MD in Modern Literature by the Sorbonne University. For more information on the INNOVATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS PROJECT: http://learningleadershipconference.cat/en/