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El Pony Pisador al Senglar Rialler nº19 – Pagant Sant Pony Canta

CAT: Donacions i peticions a través del Xat de Youtube Per veure quines cançons podem tocar fes clic aquí: rel=”nofollow”>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16j7HL1zBvMJc-CRvyaOo8_xllhy4Yaf_IwhAjymLo7c/edit?usp=sharing També ens pots donar suport fent-te mecenes a https://elponypisador.aixeta.cat/ca i comprant merxandatge meravellós a https://rattio.es/el-pony-pisador/ ENG: Donations and requests with Youtube Chat List of songs that we know here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16j7HL1zBvMJc-CRvyaOo8_xllhy4Yaf_IwhAjymLo7c/edit?usp=sharing You can support us also by subscribing to our social networks becoming a patron at https://elponypisador.aixeta.cat/ca or buying wonderful merchandising at https://rattio.es/el-pony-pisador/