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Driving in Catalunya #022: Pardines – Ribes de Freser [4K]

🅲🅰🆃 La carretera que uneix Pardines i Ribes de Freser és una petita delícia, no massa llarga perquè no arriba
a 5 km de llarg però que mereix una visita amb temps. Perquè no només es tracta de fer la ruta per carretera, tant Ribes de Freser com Pardines són dos pobles amb encant i punt de sortida de múltiples excursions que us faran gaudir d’uns paisatges meravellosos de manera que val la pena descobrir-los. I si ja hi heu estat no us estem descobrint res, oi? 🅴🅽🅶 The road from Pardines to Ribes de Freser is delicious, it’s less than 3 miles long but it deserves a slow visit. It’s not only the road, Ribes de Freser and Pardines are two beautiful towns which are also a perfect start for a lot of trekking walks, you’ll discover really amazing landscapes which really deserve your time. And if you’ve been there surely you’ll agree, isn’t it? Hope you enjoy! ✏️ DESCRIPCIÓ / DESCRIPTION Carretera/Road: GIV-5262 Data/date: 24/08/2021 Inici/Start: Pardines (El Ripollès) Final/End: Ribes de Freser (El Ripollès) Si t’ha agradat el vídeo segueix el nostre canal de YouTube: ✅ És gratuït. ✅ Rebràs un avís cada cop que pengem un nou vídeo. ✅ Ens ajudes a donar visibilitat al canal. ▶️ És molt fàcil, només has d’apretar el botó vermell. Have you enjoyed the video? Please subscribe: ✅ It’s free. ✅ You’ll be notified every time we upload a new video. ✅ You’ll help us to promote our channel with no effort by your side. ▶️ It’s so easy, just click the red button. Segueix-nos a les xarxes socials //Follow us on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrivingInCAT​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrivingInCAT Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drivingincat/​ 🎶 MÚSICA / MUSIC En ordre d’aparició / In order of appearence: ① Stillstand by Myuu | https://soundcloud.com/myuu Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US ② Forest Walk by Alexander Nakarada | https://www.serpentsoundstudios.com Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ③ Acoustic Folk Background Guitar | FOLK by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US ④ Wanderlust by Scott Buckley | https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/